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About Your (Travel) Guide

Hola! Bonjour! Shalom! Ciao! Hello! Moin!


This is Eleen, a women supporting other women when moving abroad!

Her background is in geology, to be precise, she has a PhD in Marine Geosciences.

That means, she know a lot about the past ocean circulation pattern in the

Eastern Mediterranean Sea and why that is important even nowadays.


The thing is, she didn't just write her thesis about that region, she actually moved to

Israel for 4 years in order to do so. And that was not the first time, she lived abroad.

As a teenager, she did a high-school exchange to Argentina and studied a year in

(northern) Norway during her Master.


You see, once you start, you might get hooked and become a serial-mover :)


During her postdoctoral-position at a well-known (in the world of marine science) research institute, she realised, that she didn't love it as much as she loves speaking about living abroad.


Hence, she switched career and became and entrepreneur. She is committed to support YOU to thrive abroad and therefore help with the decision-making, the planning process as well as growing your social circle abroad, so that YOU can experience a relaxed start into a new life!


Her pragmatic and scientific thinking in combination with her experience of moving to several countries and her enthusiasm of making that possible for you as well, is a fun mixture.


She encourages YOU to take every chance to live YOUR life as an adventure (with reasonable risks). Live your life at its best!




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